Archive for May 31st, 2023


Wednesday, May 31st, 2023

It has pretty much been inevitable that I was going to get scolosis one day. It is hard not to when you are sitting in a wheel chair for the majority of the day. We have kept an eye on it over the years but recently in the last six monthsHe works at the Children’s Hospital and has much experience with working with children in wheel chairs. He was very nice and empathatic with us. He suggested that we try a corset six hours a day and recommended a man from San Jose who makes them. My spine is at a 50 degree curve. He looked at my xrays and said that I still have lots of potential to grow. 

It has pretty much been inevitable that I was going to get scolosis one day. It is hard not to when you are sitting in a wheel chair for the majority of the day. I had a major growth spurt and that did not help with the curve worsening. We scheduled an appointment with a physiatrist/scoliosis doctor! have kept an eye on it over the years but recently in the last six months I had a major growth spurt and they did not help with the curve worsening. Thankfully, my therapist, Cinthya had a good doctor to recommend and he has worked most of his career at the Children’s Hospital and with kids in wheel chairs.

The X-Rays showed a pretty significant curve. Our appointment was at 6pm. Dr. Vargas was very empathetic towards me and my family. He said that my curve was at 50%. A spice with a curve at 50% can be operable however we are not going to go the route of surgery. He suggested that I be fit for a corset. He said that 50% of the kids that use a corset can cure the curve and the other 50% will maintain the curve from worsening. He also said that my xrays showed that I have much more room for growth. As a matter of fact quite a bit! Hopefully we have caught in time and will have good results from the corset. I am supposed to wear it for six a hours a day. It is rigid and will be hot but we are going to give it a shot. 

The following weekend a specialist came from San Jose to my house and measure me for my corset. He and his assistant arrived Saturday night and they stayed in my old home. Sunday morning they came to wrap me up like a mummy and take the measurements for my corset. It took 45 minutes and I was so very patience with them as they turned me this way and that way and the plaster that they use to make the mold would get hot. I heard them say what a great patient I was! They were very nice and knowledgeable as well.

It will take about six weeks to get the corset made. After it is ready I will then have to go to San Jose and meet with the doctor to get his opinion on the fitting and hopefully we do not have make any adjustments to it!! I will keep you posted on my progress.. We are all hoping it helps and that my scoliosis does not worsen!

Love Malia