Archive for June, 2010

Sunday morning beach time!

Sunday, June 13th, 2010

We woke up to a beautiful morning! At this time of year you never know if you are going to see the sunshine but the sun was shining down upon us! Sunday is usually family day at the beach! Grace and George came over to have breakfast and after that we all got ready to head down to Los Cedros! We like to go to the beach at low tide as is best time for me to get in my strolling! Our dogs did their normal dance around beach dance as they know when we put our bathing suits on where we are headed!
Sabrina was ready to hit the beach as well and all 7 of us dogs included headed out at 9am! We had a lovely morning. I slept for the first hour and enjoyed the cool ocean breezes! Mom and dad put my feet in the water but the ocean was a little too rough for me to get in with my float! That was okay though I really liked the water and sand between my toes!

Everyone was beat when we got home, and most everyone took a nap! Later that day we jumped in the pool and had a blast swimming around!

Happy Sunday everyone!
Love Malia

Me and Sabrina

Friday, June 11th, 2010
Aren't we cute!

Aren't we cute!


Friday, June 11th, 2010

I am so excited George and Grace are coming to see me on Saturday! The are flying in from Dallas to celebrate with me my 2nd birthday! I am so excited to see them!!! Will keep you posted on the upcoming activities! Me mom and Sabrina are headed to the market again tomorrow and in the afternoon we will be picking up Georgie and Grace!

Love Malia

Why oh why the stye?

Friday, June 11th, 2010

I never really told you all the full story on the styes! My mom had called the doctor about a month ago. She suggested an anitbiotic for my eye. It worked pretty good in one eye but then I got one in my other eye! The medicine did not seem to be helping! So my mom called the doctor again and we tried another antibiotic. After one week, the medicine really did not help at all. So my mom called our neighbor and dear friend Piti.

Piti is from Spain and has been down here forever! A long time ago she gave my mom a little glass vial full of black powder. Now I know you are thinking what in the world black powder??? Piti had eye problems as a kid and her doctor in Spain suggested after many diferent antibiotics to try the black powder from Morroco. So her mom found her some and it cured her eyes right away. Remember Cleopatra and how the Egyptians always had black eye makeup on? Well it was not make up, it was the black powder to prevent their eyes from getting infections from the desert and to protect their eyes from the wind and sand.  The powder is made from Coal and it is crushed down to a fine sand. Piti told my mom to put it on like eyeliner. 

Since my mom had already tried the medical route she decided to use the gift Piti gave her and she put  powder on me. It did not bother me at all. I look pretty cute with eyeliner on!  My stye was huge on my bottom eyelid but the next morning it was half that size and in three days it was gone! Remember I said when I saw the opthamologist I did not have anything to show him! He did not belive the black powder story at all and pretty much told us that the stye cured itself and that the powder could not have helped! Too bad he could not see out of the medical box!

My eyes were clear in San Jose, but once we made it back to Delicias in about two days I got another stye! I still have it but it is much smaller and hopefully it will be gone away before my birthday. Between the tea bags and the coal it must get better! Styes are no fun at all!


Sabrina and me!

Friday, June 11th, 2010

It has been six days in a row now that Sabrina and I have been working out together! Things are going really good. I like the way Sabrina holds me! She has strong hands and a big heart. She takes her Disney music out to the platform when we work out and I really like listening to the music! I workout harder! She videoed some excellent footage of me lifting my head! I am gaining  strength in my neck muscles.

 Everyday Sabrina works with me to try and get me to sit up. She is very patient and kind.   When I am sitting I really like to look around! Sabrina and I hang out in the hammock too! She does not let me relax in the hammock like my mom does she makes me work out! It is okay though because she gives me breaks and we rock really fast together sometimes.

I am happy that my mom gets some time in the day for herself and that Sabrina is doing such a good job with me! Sabrina is adjusting to the tropics well! She just is taking a little longer to get used to all the bugs out there and trust me here in Delicias there are a few of those! Sabrina is a tough girl though! We know a few bugs wont chase her away! Besides I am much cuter than any bug anyday! Thanks Sabrina we are so glad you are here with us!

We like to have fun too! Last Saturday we went to the market and spent the day at Aunt Karen’s house by the pool. It was a lovely day! The sun was shining on us and Tia Maria came by too and we had lunch by the pool! It was a great girl’s day out!

Love, Malia

Sleepless Nights!

Friday, June 11th, 2010

We made it back to Delicias on Friday. Thankfully, the sky became blue and we did not have to drive home in any crazy rain storms! It was a nice drive home. I was so glad to be home. I went to bed at my normal time and the next morning I woke up at 5am! I stayed up the entire day and decided that I was not ready to go to bed until 2:30am.  I was not very comfortable. I was agitated alot that day. When I finally went to bed I woke up the next morning at 6am and as well did not take my usual naps! I stayed up that night until 4:30 the next morning! Turns out I had two of my canine teeth coming breaking through! My parents decided that this had to be the reason I was so agitated and not wanting to sleep!

My parents and I took Sabrina to the beach this weekend. I fell asleep on the ride down and my parents were so happy that I was sleeping took the car seat out and plopped me on the beach. I slept for a little while enjoying the ocean breezes blowing thru my hair.

My mom was pooped from staying up with me Sunday night and on Monday Sabrina asked if she could help out. She took me for a stroll but that did not get me to sleep any faster! She brought me back to the house and swayed me to sleep like my mom does. I finally fell asleep in her arms and I went down that day at 4pm after being awake for almost two days straight! I did not wake up again until that next morning at 9am! Boy did I need that rest!! So I am finally getting my groove back!

Sabrina I think I  am finally ready for my workouts!!!!

Love Malia


Friday, June 11th, 2010

May 25th

Tonight Sabrina arrives! For those of you who do not know, my mom and dad put an ad on Craigslist hoping to find just the right person to work with me. My mom has been my therapist for almost 2 years now. Everyday we work together, but my parents knew that I needed someone with more experience and that was willing to help me flourish and to help me develop to my fullest potential.

Sabrina is from Hartford Conneticut. She graduated on May 15th after many years of studying to be a physical therapist. She found our ad one night on Craig’s list and decided to email my parents. She has been to Costa Rica before and actually stayed in Montezuma, the beach town right below us! We were estatic that she already had been here and we knew that this was a perfect place for a new college graduate!

Sabrina arrived on Tuesday and I still was not feeling good until Thursday. We had many PT and OT appts with my therapists in San Jose but I really did not want to do much but sleep! I was just waiting to show Sabrina all my moves by myself back at my yoga platform in Delicias! We will be heading home on Friday ! I cant wait to get back home and to play with Sabrina! She seems very nice!

Love Malia

Tummy Aches!

Thursday, June 10th, 2010

May 23rd

Well for some reason I picked up a stomach bug! Ugh! I was not feeling  well on Saturday, and then my parents got worried about me and took me into San Jose a day earlier than we had expected. We went to San Jose and had to stop by the laboratory to see what was going on with me. They really were not sure why or how I picked up this bug but I did. I did not feel so good for the week. As a matter of fact I slept pretty much three days straight!

I had to see my GI, my neurologist, and an opthamologist for that stye! Of course my stye went away by the time I went to see the doctor! 

 Dr. Mora, my GI, was a little concerned about me and sent me to have an ultra sound on my tummy. Everything looked really good in there except that the Dr. found some cysts on my spleen. She was not sure how these came to be and has asked me to come back in four months to check on them again. She told my parents not to worry that it was not anything too alarming. Just another question of why?

I slept thru all my doctors appointments! I did not mind because I  really dont like having to go to the doctors anyway! My parents however, were worried about me sleeping so much! We ran some blood tests on me and everything came back okay. I just had to shake this bug and get onto feeling better. For me, sleep always makes me feel better. I finally started feeling better on Thursday. We were so glad to be gone from home as the week we were in San Jose a tropical storm moved into Delicias and we recieved in fours days enough rain for the month! We were all glad to have missed that! The rainy season is upon us!!
