Sleepless Nights!

We made it back to Delicias on Friday. Thankfully, the sky became blue and we did not have to drive home in any crazy rain storms! It was a nice drive home. I was so glad to be home. I went to bed at my normal time and the next morning I woke up at 5am! I stayed up the entire day and decided that I was not ready to go to bed until 2:30am.  I was not very comfortable. I was agitated alot that day. When I finally went to bed I woke up the next morning at 6am and as well did not take my usual naps! I stayed up that night until 4:30 the next morning! Turns out I had two of my canine teeth coming breaking through! My parents decided that this had to be the reason I was so agitated and not wanting to sleep!

My parents and I took Sabrina to the beach this weekend. I fell asleep on the ride down and my parents were so happy that I was sleeping took the car seat out and plopped me on the beach. I slept for a little while enjoying the ocean breezes blowing thru my hair.

My mom was pooped from staying up with me Sunday night and on Monday Sabrina asked if she could help out. She took me for a stroll but that did not get me to sleep any faster! She brought me back to the house and swayed me to sleep like my mom does. I finally fell asleep in her arms and I went down that day at 4pm after being awake for almost two days straight! I did not wake up again until that next morning at 9am! Boy did I need that rest!! So I am finally getting my groove back!

Sabrina I think I  am finally ready for my workouts!!!!

Love Malia

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