My new stander

My stander arrived last weekend. Geovanny, my PT in San Jose, custom made it for me and it is beautiful. He did a very nice job. At first I was not so sure about it. I mean I have to be strapped in it but you know after a bit of time and patience I like it. It is perfect for me to look all around and work on my neck control. I also am putting weight on my feet and hips which is very important as well. I usually practice standing in it two times a day for about 20 to 30 minutes. Daniella works with me in it in the mornings and my mom and dad in the afternoons. Daniella makes the time fly by!  She sings me songs and moves my arms all around as if I am dancing. She is funny and makes me laugh! It is never a dull moment for me around here!

Malia 🙂

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