
My Halloween does not consist of me dressing up and trick or treating. Although I was sporting a really cute bright orange Halloween top! We are headed to San JoseĀ  to see my doctors. We left the house at 9:30am and my first appointment is at 4pm. I have to go see Dr. Castro for a vaccine shot as I am due and this one coversĀ  chest infections and meningitis.

We arrived to the hotel first and unpacked everything in the car and then headed straight to Cima to see Dr. Castro. I did not cry when I got my shot I just arched my back and doubled my fists and gave Dr. Castro a very mean look. Mom and dad are prepared for me to get a fever so they are giving me Tylenol every six hours. I have to be careful with getting a fever as it can cause me to have a seizure. Thankfully I have not held my breath today.Vaccines always make me tired and groggy so we went straight to the hotel after CIMA so I could rest. I had a pretty good night. I never do well in strange places but I am doing good.

Tomorrow we go to see Geovanny my other physical therapist as he is making a stand for my new chair to sit on. My parents want me to be at the same height as them at the kitchen table so that I can feel included at the table. I cant wait to get it!

My parents are also taking me to see the dentist. The other day I bit my lip so hard a pool of blood came out of my mouth and onto the bed. Sofia called my mom to come upstairs to show her the blood. At first neither one of them knew where the blood was coming from. Mom retrieved a flash light and looked into my mouth and sure enough I had bit my lip hard.

Since I do not eat by my mouth my teeth do not get filed down and my canine teeth are like mini vampire teeth. So we are going to see the dentist. I do not like anyone touching my mouth. Mom already warned my dad and Sofia that she would not be in the room as she does not like dentists either. So dad and Sofia are going to cheer me along and try and keep me calm. I hope I can behave!

Love Malia

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