My Costa Rica Benefit 11th Annual

NOVEMBER 16th 2019

This year we did not make our annual trip back to Texas for my benefit and to visit my family and friends. With the surgery and the increase in seizures we decided to stay home this year and celebrate here. It was a beautiful day so many wonderful people helped to make it happen. We had the party just outside our nursery. The place looked absolutely beautiful and we had tents and lots of food and even a silent auction! Many people from town donated items to auction off. We also had two bands play and we had quite the turn out of people. The food was incredible as always. Mom had been cooking up a storm. She had made nine chocolate cakes, pulled pork, Maritza made her famous arroz con pollo, then we had picadillo de papaya made from Nora, homemade corn tortillas from Dona Ida, vegan potato tacos, chimchurri and more! Krystal came in early and helped mom with so much in the kitchen!! So grateful for all the friends and family that we have and for all the love and support that is shown to me and my family each year! 🙂

George, Janet, and Katie pulled off the silent auction on line in Dallas and it was a huge success as well! We also had a t-shirt campaign with my little bull t-shirt and sold over 100 of them! Very luck to be loved by so many and blessed to have you all in my life! Who knows where we will be next year but this year was definitely a winner and all in my very own back yard!

We were delighted to donate to the Children’s Hospital here in Costa Rica to the neurology department, to Dr. Joseph Gleeson lissencephaly researcher in San Francisco California and to The Parker Lee Project who is always such a blessing to so many children and families of special needs kids!

Love to all,

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