My Benefit in Austin Texas

The big day finally arrived. After six months of planning and preparation my party was finally going to happen. What a beautiful day we had! At 9:45 my parents left me with my grandma Marg and they took off to help everyone set up for the day! Unbelievably the park personell who were suppose to let everyone in at 10am did not show up until 11:30am! Boy was everyone upset about that! We had a party to put together in less than three hours! We managed! We had a great group of friends and family that helped us get everything set up. Margaritas, mexican food, cold beer, and soft drinks were on the menu that day as well as face painting and games for all of us kids! The music line up we had was amazing. We had everything from Salsa to Country and Rock!  Everyone was having such a great time dancing! It was hot that day a mere 104 degrees so my mom and I stayed inside until things cooled off. We had a huge turn out! We had over 300 people show up to celebrate with me! Our silent auction was a huge success. We had over a 160 items for people to bid on! What a fun day it was. My mom and dad danced with me to my song and my good friend Mark got up on stage and sang it to me. We had such a wonderful day. I had other kids with Liss show up to meet me too! A little boy named William and a girl named Grace came to meet me. They were very nice and I felt so privledged that they drove a long way to come to my party. The place was full of love. I could not have asked for a better day and want to thank everyone so much for helping my party to be such a huge success!!!! Cant wait to do it again next year!!

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