The Sting Ray!

October 13th 2012
On the day of my grandparent’s birthday parties fedex came wheeling up with my brand new sting ray wheelchair! The boxes were a tad overwhelming. Three big ones!! We were all so excited, that one I am getting a new wheelchair and two that it actually came when it was supposed to be delivered! 🙂 Now the big plan is to get my dad, grandpa and uncle on putting it together!!

We had a wonderful day.. Good food and good times had by all. My uncle Donald and Aunt Shelley unfortunately could not make it as my Uncle D was sick with walking pnuemonia so he was not going to get me near me or my grandpa for that matter!! We were sad that he could not make it but at this moment we can not take any risks not even for family that we only see once a year!

On a positive note, I did not have to be aspirated this day and did really well handling my food with no reflux or respiratory problems. That was a great present all by itself to my grandparents.
Love Malia

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