Seizure Monster Go Away!

For some reason my seizures have decided to get out of control. Having three grand mals in one day is unheard of with me and won’t be tolerated! I have put on my boxing gloves and am fighting back. It’s so cruel how they suck the life and air out of me. My day is ruined after having one of those. What went wrong? Where did we lose control? Why is this happening? I have been so good in so many other ways! We started seeing more seizures when I was in Texas. The gran mals started popping up one every other day. At the end of our trip in Texas, when we were driving to Houston I had one in my car seat. We had to exit and pull off the side of the road. When this happens it literally consumes me and it is very frightening to watch. Once we got back to Costa Rica, mom started investigating and asking more questions to our Pediatric Cannabis group.

It was suggested that I try to reboot my endocannabinoid system. You might wonder what that may mean! It seems through research and experience from others that the CB receptors can fill up and become used to receiving the cannabis oil daily. The system needs a reset. So that is what we did. My mom and dad took me off my cannabis oil for five days straight. The seizures began to get better. I started back up on my oil but mom cut it back drastically. It is called micro dosing and you know what? It seems to be working. I have had a great week with Roxanna, I am not sleeping in until noon. I am active, more alert and waking up at 10! It worked I have seen a 75% improvement in my seizures since rebooting my system. Now lets just hope and pray that it stays that way! Seizures are very hard to battle. They can start up over the smallest thing! I am just happy that I have had a good week and that I am feeling good again.

So seizure monster go away, leave me alone, and don’t come back please!
Love Malia

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