January 1 thru 15

Besides from missing my dad very much, January has been good. MJ came back to work on the 5th, and it took us a few days for me to get my groove back. I did lots of stretching at the beginning! Mom took me for walks in my Upsee, and I had fun one Sunday afternoon dancing with my Paw paw! I love the feeling of being up on my feet! Feels so good and dancing is fun too!!!

The electric company has been working on the lines alot which always gives us a good excuse to go to the beach! 🙂 Something I love to do, and MJ still gives me therapy at the beach!

Seizures are still bothering me, pretty much everyday but then I have put on some pounds so mom is upping my seizure meds to see if that helps! All in all, things are going really well for me and I am happy and healthy! Which for me is the most important!!!

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