Lockhart Tx Day 7&8

We made it to Lockhart from Dallas in 3.5 hours. The ride down went great. We had zero traffic and made it to Granny’s house in great time! I am worn out from the trip and slept a lot on Saturday! My family is coming over to see me! We are having a bbq today and I am so looking forward to seeing everyone… I am kind of groggy today and not my normal spunky little self! All this travel wears me out after a while. I am sure I will get my second wind after my afternoon nap! Maria Jose is flying in today from Savannah Georgia. She was visiting her family that she had not seen for many many years!! I can’t wait to see her!!

After I woke up from my nap everyone was there! I went outside with them and we hung around outside and had a nice time catching up! So good to be around family and friends! Uncle Andy showed up too!! He is a sweetie!
Love Malia

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