I would like to thank Hospital de Los Ninos Intensive Care Unit for saving my life. There were many dark days and many times even I did not know whether or not I would make it. Your constant attention and care to my health meant the world to me and my parents. Thanks to the nurses that helped in many ways get me thru my days. Some of you were truly exceptional. A special thanks to Cheverra who was head of the respiratory department for bringing in the Smart Vest and helping me make it off the ventilator. Also to all the respiratory therapists who helped me to breathe and get rid of all that gunk in my chest. Josey Mar you believed in me I thank you for that and for the many times you managed to get me to cough! A huge thank you to my team of doctors, Dr. Armando Perez, Dr. Ramirez, Dra. Boza, Dra. Porras, Dr. Baltodano, Dr. Victor Perez and Dr. Huertas. Thanks for all your help in saving me and making the right decisions at some very critical times. Thanks as well for putting up with the constant questions from my parents who were only looking after my best interest but at times I am sure drove you all crazy! Thanks from the bottom of my heart, you have a fine institution and I am proud to be a Costa Rican kid.

Love Malia

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