My first extubation

On January 4th the doctors have switched me back to regular ventilation and the following day they think I am ready to have the tube taken out and that I should begin to start breathing again. I have not been able to have any milk for 8 days. I am only getting glucose. They are just now begining to feed me little bits of milk at a time. I know I am not ready for this tube to be taken out. I am so weak. I am just now recovering from Septic Shock, Double Pnuemonia, Urinary Tract Infection, and the bacteria that started this all and severely kicked my butt named Aeromonas Hydrophilla.

I last 36 hours breathing on my own. I am trying so hard but it is dificult. I am having problems coughing on my own. I have to be knocked out again and the tube to the ventilator goes back in my throat. Each time I have to be intubated it is a very stressful situation for us all.


One Response to “My first extubation”

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