Archive for March 22nd, 2012

My nurse Carmen!

Thursday, March 22nd, 2012

She is so sweet to me!

After surgery

Thursday, March 22nd, 2012

resting peacefully

Dr. Navarro my surgeon

Thursday, March 22nd, 2012

Still loving my books!

Thursday, March 22nd, 2012

Passing time!

Day 2 receiving antibiotics

Thursday, March 22nd, 2012

first we started in my arm

March 5th thru 9th

Thursday, March 22nd, 2012

Monday morning everyone was bustling around. I was happy that my favorite crew of nurses was coming into work this morning. We drew blood to test my levels in my seizure medication and a complete blood count and many other tests to evaluate my progress in healing. My tests showed that my kidney is functioning well. I am having no problem whatsoever with peeing and my complete blood count back is almost normal as well as my Protein C reactive level had gone down below 10 which is exactly where it needs to be! The only problem was that my valporic acid seizure medication came back at 4.4 %. Mom could not believe it. No way was it that low. We had suspected that it would drop but to be at 4 out of 100 well that was unheard of! Mom called Dr. Luna one of my neurologists and he said that it was absolutely impossible that the levels could be that low. Normally I range around 75 or 80 %. We normally tests levels every three months to determine how the valporic acid could be affecting my liver. It is very important to keep an eye on that especially if the numbers are higher than a 100.

Anyway he insisted that we have another test that surely the laboratory messed up! We did and the results had dropped a point lower in a day. Turns out it was not the lab’s fault. The problem here is that the doc could not believe that the antibiotic I was taking for my kidney infection could lower my numbers in such a manner. My mom kept telling him you don’t know Malia well enough to say that it is impossible for this to happen. Typically if the medical books say one thing I am going to do the exact opposite. Later that night I had another long seizure. Finally Dr. Luna gave mom an answer at least and told her to double my dosage on the seizure med for the next two days to try and raise the levels in my blood faster. I sure hope we can get this under control and fast!

Unfortunately on Wednesday I had to have my site cleaned again and a new patch on. Dra. Castro said she wanted it changed even though I was going to have the central line removed on Friday. She was worried about possible infection and wanted to make sure to keep it clean. Of course, I hate this as it hurts everytime they do it as my skin is so sensitive! I am a tough girl though and did not cry too much! 😉 Vivi my nurse always is so gentle with me.

I am definitely feeling better and they are sending me down to do an ultra sound again to see if the infection has cleared up. I sure hope so! At 11am I had my exam and the ultra sound showed that infection had gone away! Yeah!!! This was great news! Now I only have to stay here till Saturday and my last day of antibiotics are on Thursday.

Irene was working out with me everyday in my bed and Sofia came two times to visit me as well and help out. I am tired but doing well. Dra. Castro came in to see me and was so happy about my ultrasound. Now we just have a few more tests to run and soon we will be packing to go home this Saturday! On Friday they drew blood and then later Dra. Castro and one of the nurses came in and removed my line. This was painful. I cried a lot when they were taking out the stitches. After it was removed from my neck I felt the biggest relief. It is true we are really getting closer to going home.

Love Malia

Later that night I had another long seizure.