Archive for May 19th, 2011

Spiked a fever!

Thursday, May 19th, 2011

May 11, 2010

Tuesday evening my  grandparents arrived from Texas and along with  their arrival came a fever for me. At 2am I woke up very unhappy and mom picked me up and I was burning up with fever. Since having only been home for five days since our last trip to San Jose my mom really did not want to go back their so she flew out Maureen(my phlebotomist) or in other words, blood sucker! She does a great job hitting my vein and my parents wanted to know whether or not if I had a viral or bacterial infection brewing in me.We went to Tambor to meet the plane and then over to our friend Joe’s house so that she could draw my blood.  Maureen flew in at 1:50pm and the next flight out was at 2:45pm. We had time to make it happen! By 2:15 we had filled up two vials of blood. Mom told Joe to go to the airport to let the guy know we were on our way for her flight. We got there, and the plane had just left 15 minutes EARLY! They never leave early in Costa Rica but this time they did and they even knew Maureen was on her way! That was the last flight of the day, but thankfully a chartered flight came in at 5pm and went back to San Jose empty so Maureen was able to catch a ride back with them. My parents were not very happy with Sansa airlines!

Later than night Dr. Castro called and said that my blood test could go either way. She said that if I continued to have fever it was probably best to come on in to San Jose. Well that night my fever went really high 103 and my parents decided that the best thing to do was rush to San Jose. I just had a clean bill of health last week! What in the world could be wrong?????
