Archive for December 23rd, 2010

Look at me I am standing!

Thursday, December 23rd, 2010

Standing on my own!

Thursday, December 23rd, 2010

I am having a great week. I have only had one seizure in a weeks time and I am continuing to do wonderful things in my therapy. Yesterday for the first time in my life, I stood on my feet by myself. As you have seen in pictures before we always put shin guards on my knees so that I am not able to double my knees. Daniella was working out with me and noticed that I was pusing off on my feet. She decided to try something new and put me on the ball without my shin guards. I always have a hard time putting weight on my feet. Since I have been practicing standing in my stander I am gaining more confidence in myself. Daniella put me over the ball and I stood on my feet without doubling my knees all by myself! It was a great feeling for me to not have to wear the shin guards and for me to feel the weight of my body on my own. Thanks Daniella for having confidence in me! I did this three more times and as well did it today for my mom and dad! They are so proud of me and I am pretty proud of myself!

Only two days before Christmas, I wonder what Santa has for me?

Mucho amor
Malia  🙂

Our Costa Rican Christmas Tree!

Thursday, December 23rd, 2010