Archive for December 11th, 2010

My new stander

Saturday, December 11th, 2010

My stander arrived last weekend. Geovanny, my PT in San Jose, custom made it for me and it is beautiful. He did a very nice job. At first I was not so sure about it. I mean I have to be strapped in it but you know after a bit of time and patience I like it. It is perfect for me to look all around and work on my neck control. I also am putting weight on my feet and hips which is very important as well. I usually practice standing in it two times a day for about 20 to 30 minutes. Daniella works with me in it in the mornings and my mom and dad in the afternoons. Daniella makes the time fly by!  She sings me songs and moves my arms all around as if I am dancing. She is funny and makes me laugh! It is never a dull moment for me around here!

Malia 🙂

West Syndrome

Saturday, December 11th, 2010

Since Thanksgiving things have been going well. I have had a few road bumps along the way  but we are moving through them. On the 27th of November I had a seizure. It was the first time I had experienced a seizure in over a year. I have been very blessed not to have had them since September. One day Daniella and my mom were working with me at the platform, we were working on my neck control. I do this one exercise where the ball is between my legs and I put my hands on the ball and lift my head up. I am really good at this exercise. Next thing you know my head came crashing down and hit the ball. My mom thought it was wierd that I did not have the control like I normally do. We did the exercise again and my head banged the ball one more time.  My mom knew then that something was not right and laid me down on the table. The next thing you know my legs were flinching every ten seconds and this lasted about 5 minutes. The seizure made me very lethargic.

Seizures normally come on when I am waking up from a nap. I had another one the following day after my nap that lasted a bit longer. My mom called my neurologist and we have increased my seizure medication. I have not had to increase my dosage since I was six months old. It makes sense to have to increase it as I am a little chunky monkey now. I had a few more seizures over the next few days but the increase in medication has helped control them. I am hoping they go away again for good. The type of seizure I have is called West Syndrome. It is the only seizure that actually causes devlopmental regression! It is really important we get my seizures under control beacuse all my hard work and effort over the last two years are in jeopardy if I begin to consistently have these seizures! So all my friends out there say a prayer for me that the seizures go away!

Love Malia